Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Working Life...

After a week of work, I think I'm still not get used to working life. I used to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 8am in the next morning, I did swim frequently about 9am in the morning after my braskfast and CNA programe. I prepared my own lunch with a combination of fried mixed vege with a little bit of meat. I left home for studying at the library in the afternoon till evening before head back home to prepare dinner for family again. I'm really enjoy these kind of life very very much...! I got so much time to think of my future plan, I don't need to q for getting any governmental matters done, I escaped from peak hour crowd while going for any appointments in town.

In working life, I leave home as early as 7am and I'm stucked in heavy traffic jam while on the way to office even though I'm luckily not the driver, it still takes me about 80 mins to reach office. I take my breakfast in the office while busying reply working related emails. I take my lunch at nearby hawker center which take about 10 mins walking distance under the sun and get back to office in shower sweat. What I'm eating for lunch and dinner are high msg, sugar, salty and oily unhealthy food (to me). I'll try to leave office on time in order to get back home by 730pm (public transportation time is about 90 mins). Journeys in the mrt are irritating and tiring, I'm basically a canned tuna before get out from the train.

I'm not complaining on what I'm doing right now as it takes time for me to adapt the changes. Fortunately, I have a thoughful, lovely wife which share the same dreams and we both are working hard to fulfil it. Keeping the minimal expenses and spending are the keys.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bak Gua Warrior

It's less than a month toward Chinese New Year and my challenge is coming too... While the relatives were pampered with the branded bak gua last year, should I get up early morning again to q for the name and quality (only in Singapore) again? I'm still struggling... I'm worrying the expectation from relatives still stay at last year...

I read from the blog that a newly open bak gua retail shop name Kim Joo Guan which was told is the supplier of Lim Chee Guan for years has decided to sell its own bak gua to public recently.

I shall go down some of these days to test on the bak gua see whether the quality is similar to Lim Ghee Guan.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


在这里实习第二天啦! 基本上还算习惯, 公司规模并不是太大, 也没有讨厌的办公室政治,只希望能够尽快熟悉运作,接手部分的工作。

这几天都是住在老板的apartment 里头,还真的不能对马来西亚的apartment期望太大!电梯的楼层按钮得按13A楼,出来的时候lift lobby显示的却是13,但是这楼层的单位号码确是12楼的单位号码!“西北”混乱!每次都把我搞糊涂而去错楼层… =(


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


9:55am的廉价航空公司航班飞往梳邦机场,既然是廉价航空嘛,就决定廉价到底!邻里短程巴士 – 地铁 (Woodlands – Cityhall – Tanah Merah – Airport T2 – Shuttle to Budget Terminal),看起来就是很复杂,但是还是决定试一试!


好不容易到了地铁站,我这个“山龟”又被三条排队拿免费报纸的人群楞住了!三条队伍加起来足足有30公尺,何其壮观啊~ 回过神来,继续赶往月台搭地铁咯!在Cityhall转搭往机场方向的东西线后,路程算是完成一大半啦!原本就沾沾自喜的我在看到出口顶端的路线灯显示此列车将直接通往机场是更是乐翻了!应该不会有什么问题吧?指示等和广播都是明确提示列车是开往机场,应该不会错的!但是,当列车在离开Tanah Merah后竟然开往Simei! 指示灯也突然停止操作,广播也突然又车长口述前往Pasir Ris!怎么可以这样!晴天霹雳的我只好从Simei下车再往回搭,也耽误了将近20分钟…!!! 最后大约9:30am才到达廉价机场!也差赶不上班机!一趟小小的新加坡,也花了我将近2个半小时的时间!算了,以后还是花点钱搭德士吧!






明天,办公室生涯的第二天,就得飞到KL总部接受培训,熟悉公司的运作并为接下来的交接做准备。一连4天的培训,也是婚后第一回离开wifey出远门,还真的舍不得neh~ :’(


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Save Earth Save Pocket (1)

I walk 25 minutes to swimming complex to swim, and walk back after that.

Saving: $0.69 x 2 = $1.38
Benefit: more exercse.

Friday, January 8, 2010

3Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

People nowsaday are getting more aware of the environmental issues, global warming has been mentioned almost everyday through all kind of media, it's a hot topic today. However, the number of people who really put those idea into action are insignificant.

Governments are putting more effort to educate the public how recycle is important in the saving our gaia. However, the golden rules of waste management has been generally neglected by the public. The golden rules of waste management means 3R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

The sequence is much much more important because wastage come from getting something which you not really need (not a must). You can directly reduce your wastage by not consuming any things that are more than your basic needs. Yet, this is contradicting to the economy development. The deveopment of the country's economy comes from the vast consumptions from the consumer, this create faster pace of business activities, the effects of dollar multiplier are created and boost the economy. It's not likely to strike a balance between economic growth and saving environment because governments cannot afford to ask the consumer stop buying as they are the key to the economic growth. That's why you can only see all advertisement on media trying very hard to lure the buying sentiment of consumers and not persuading you to stop buying.

To reduce, try to differentiate a MUST and a NEED. Eating is a must to give yourself enery, of course, not eating excessively. A collection of branded bags is just a need (not necessary most of the time) which can be replace by one or two decent, durable bag which suit most of the occasions. Remember, every single thing around you are actually extracted from our mother earth's resources, are you fully ultilise them as a must to you? Uderstand the difference ad you will greatly reduce your wastage at the front line.

Reuse is the 2nd stage to avoid resources wastage, you definitely having something that are not using and kept for years, and end up throwing away or for recycle. Share it with the rest who might need it while you're not. Join the SgFreeCycle Group, to give away things you don't need, meantime, you might get things you want for free instead paying for a new one.

Recycle is the final stage before wastage, it should be done last after Reduce and Reuse. How frequently do you clear your rubbish bin, I believe the answer is at least once very 2 days for most household, and definitely is carried by a PLASTIC BAG, do you know the amount of one year rubbish of a household are more than enough to fill up your bathroom. Think twice before throwing your rubbish, some of it can be recycle effectively. You cn actually dispose your recyclable items through National Recycle Program.

Remember, a dirty product cannot be recycled and can contaminated the rest of the products in the bin, take a few extra minuted to rinse out containers and clean off food scraps, to help ensure the recycling process is a success.

Play your part a member of earth, the earth can survive without us, but we can't survive without earth.

Intesting DVD:
Human Footprint, National Geograpic Channel, 2008
NLB Call Number: English 304.280973 HUM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Recycle - Scientific Calculator

Giving away my scientific calculation which was kept in my storeroom for years, still in working condition. Do drop me a email at if you're interested. =)

CASIO fx-350TL