Monday, June 29, 2009

婚礼筹备 (1)

过去几个月都在忙着筹备婚礼的事情,随着婚期将近,心情也开始紧张起来咯... 当然口袋也开始血流不止.. =)


昨天终于把婚纱照的设计敲定,相簿将在3周后出炉,期待中... (真的太感谢Meowmeow在斟选照片时帮的大大大忙!!! 并无任何附加页数...不用加钱啦!!!

其实蛮幸运的,目前为止还我们还是非常满意婚纱店(Fables 菲比尔)的服务...!!! 与之前听到的许多婚纱店付款后的恶劣态度相比,Fables反而很体谅我们在预算开支方面的限制,对于某些细节上给予最大的让步...

昨天也到国光附近的一家家俱生产商的货仓选购JB和新加坡家的家具,因为是老妈朋友的弟弟开的,希望收到后不会货不对半... 不然又要“鸟”人了...

接下来要开始RSVP婚宴出席名单的艰巨任务了... 保重,红炸弹要来咯...~~~

Monday, June 15, 2009

Aunty, no plastic bag PLEASE..!!!!

Why NTUC aunty always don't understand my intension to save plastic bag as an effort to be environmental friendly? Why 5 apples for $1.45 still need a plastic to carry which no weighing is required and I'm with my recycle bag? The mindset has to be changed.

Accident (1):
At the cashier counter for payment (including my 5 apples without plastic bag), cashier seems troublesome to carry the apple one by one into my recycle bag, and put all the apples into a small small plastic bag before putting into my recycle bag.
** I, confused **

Accident (2):
At the weighing station for weghing my vege (1x carrot, 1x brocolli, 1x pepper), aunty seems having a habit to put all item in an individual plastic bag. I stopped her and insisted not to use the plastic bag and just place the price tag on the vege itself.
** She, confused **

Monday, June 8, 2009

Don't Anyhow Tap Your Ezlink Card (2)

I just got the refund for my Ezlink card double deduction on my bus fare last Friday!!! No doubt on their effeciency, but lack of awareness from the public on similar incident.

You may lodge your claim through their website, hotline or the Tickets Offices.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't Anyhow Tap Your Ezlink Card (1)

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of the case of bus fare double deduction while tapping your Ezlink card on a reader which is showing "ENTRY" mode while getting off from the bus (particularly from the front door). There's a time the reader showing sign of new ride instead of the amount deducted and the balance figure of your card that lured my couriousity.

I went to the topup machine and checked my card records, it was a double deduction of my bus fare which mean the correct bus fare and the new ride fare from the alight bus stop until the last station/terminal.

After checking on the bus company website and I realised that by tapping your card on a reader showing sign of "ENTRY" instead of "ENTRY/EXIT" will occur a double deduction of bus fare which is not intentionally but not observable by some people like me. I'm wondering how many of you will check on the sign of the reader before tapping your card. I get down the bus from its front door (only me), the drive opened the door for me, and I believe I can I assume that I can just tap the reader for the right fare deduction.

I'm worrying for the senior citizens who are not aware of this system and don't understand English or what does it mean of the sign on the reader. There might be a huge amount of double deduction happened unconciously everyday just because we're to easy with the convenient we have now. Even though claims can be done, it's rather complicated for me. It can be much easier to set "ENTRY/EXIT" mode as default for front reader to avoid double deduction.

So, just have a check on the reader before you tap your card, it's ur hard earn money, protect it.

- A victim of bus fare double deduction.