Tuesday, October 7, 2008

环保小贴士 (1)

在NTUC买蔬果时,没有必要用不同的塑料袋把不同蔬果个别包起来。尽可能把几种蔬果装在一起拿到柜台过秤,aunty 会在分别过秤后把个别的价格标签同时贴在同一个塑料袋上。

这种质量较差的塑料袋很多时候拿回家以后都会惨遭弃置! 减少家中塑料袋的数量,无形中会改变你的使用习惯,进而减少使用量。


Anonymous said...

wahaha.. u becoming like aunty leh... :p

Anonymous said...

wei.. actually hor.. u also not v 'huan bao' leh... coz every am, u bring ur sandwich to office rite? u use the cling wrap rite? why not use those sandwich bag which u can re-use? kekeke... :p

Gordon Liew said...

Harlo... because housemate already bought the cling wrap, so help them to dispose it while slowly impliment the idea to them... =)

Anonymous said...

hahaha u finally come out and reply!!!


Gordon Liew said...

of course la... must exercise my hand while shaking my leg mar..
