Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wild Life Lost

There was a unusual traffic jam on express way yesterday morning while we're on the way driving wifey to her first day final exam. We were so worried the jam might cause the late of her exam. Fortunetaly, traffic get smooth after the accident spot.

It was a huge animal lying on the road right behind a van, father-in-law was shouting "wow, that's a pig" and this accident became the topic around us until we read from the newspaper that the animal is actually a rare wild 'sambal' deer which though to be extinct in Singapore. The reason was not known on why the wild deer rush into the express way and get hit by the car.

It's exciting that wild deer still exist in such a modernised island where their habitat are almost invaded by human activities (even forest are occupied by militray training). It's a tradegy for the wild deer became roadkill yesterday, hopefully a strong signal is able to send to the public and the authority the important to conserve the wildelife habitat in Singapore.

There should be more 'sambal' deers hiding in the wild, and I pray hard there won't be any stupid human trying hunt them just for human's self-concern greed.